Area Rugs

The right area rug can bring the perfect balance of warmth, texture, and sometimes even a pop of color. We partner with numerous US-based rug suppliers to curate a collection of "Northwoods-y" styles we think you'll love.

Not seeing quite what you're seeking online or in the showroom? We can special order exponentially more than we could ever hope to physically display. We'd love to chat with you about your vision and see if any or our suppliers have the unique style, shape, or design you want in your home.

  • Types of Area Rugs: Discuss the different types of area rugs available in the market. You can talk about natural fiber rugs like jute and sisal, wool rugs, synthetic rugs, and more. You can also mention the pros and cons of each type of rug.
  • Choosing the Right Rug: Provide tips on how to choose the right rug for your space. You can talk about factors like size, shape, color, pattern, and texture. You can also provide examples of how different types of rugs can complement different styles of decor.
  • Caring for Your Rug: Provide information on how to care for your rug to ensure its longevity. You can talk about how to clean different types of rugs and how often they should be cleaned.

Area Rugs In Stock

Stop by and browse our collection of in stock area rugs.

Need a different size or color? Most special orders can still be gracing your floor in a week or two!

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